Libros, todo conocimiento valioso está en ellos:
Trata de revisar los marcados con asterisco al inicio.
Su categorizacion es la siguiente:
1.- Aprender C:
– * Fundamentos De Programacion Piensa En C
2.- Hacking:
– * Gray hat hacking
– Hacking. The art of exploitation
– Hands On Penetration Testing with Python
– Learning python for forensics
– Mastering kali linux for advanced penetration testing
3.- Reversing
– * RE4B
– * Assembly language step by step
– * Reversing. Secrets of reverse engineering
Recursos para aprender a programar en varios lenguajes, curado por mi:
2.- Al inicio de RE4B-EN (incluido en el pack de libros), Yurichev escribe esto:
How to learn programming
Many people keep asking about it.
There is no “royal road”, but there are quite efficient ways.
From my own experience, this is just: solving exercises from:
• Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2ed, (1988)
• Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman – Structure and Interpretation of Computer Pro-
• Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming
• Niklaus Wirth’s books
• Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike, Practice of Programming, (1999)
… in pure C and LISP. You may never use these programming languages in future at all. Almost all
commercial programmers don’t. But C and LISP coding experience will help enormously in long run.
Also, you can skip reading books themselves, just skim them whenever you feel you need to understand
something you missing for the exercise you currently solving.
This may take years at best, or a lifetime, but still this is way faster than to rush between fads.
The success of these books probably related to the fact that their authors are teachers and all this material has been honed on students first.
Un Comentario
Temas fuerza:
-Criptologia, hacking y comunicación segura
-Manejo de harware (assembler y c)
-Manejo de datos (awk, comandos terminal, python)